What Is RAM Memory, Should You Upgrade It?

Both laptops and desktops have a lot of components that most people don’t know about and that have to do with their capacity and operation. Some of them are essential to have a fast and efficient team. We tell you what RAM memory is for and why it is important when choosing a device.

Types of computer memory

Let’s start by defining what computer memory is: we talk about a device developed based on circuits. Which allows a limited storage of information to make it available to the processor. It is vital for the boot of devices (computers, phones, tablets), information processing and application execution.

There are different types of computer memory:

  • RAM.
  • ROM memory.
  • Average Memory
  • SRam or Cache memory.
  • Virtual memory.
  • Flash memory.

What is Ram memory?

RAM means Random Access Memory. It is a device that has the ability to store data and instructions issued by the processor temporarily. The information is transmitted very quickly because it was designed precisely for that purpose.

It is one of the most important elements within the computer and is usually integrated into the motherboard. If we want to make a compare with the human body, the processor would be the heart and, the RAM, the circulatory system.

The good thing about this component is that it can be increased to improve the performance of your equipment and does not require a large investment. In fact, it doesn’t have a high cost compared to the benefits it offers.

What is RAM memory for?

Its operation allows electronic equipment to perform different tasks more quickly, when the processor wishes to execute an instruction, it does not need to go to the hard disk to perform execution. Execution can perform here with the stored information in RAM. That is, it is designed to accelerate processes and make everything faster.

In fact, it increases the speed and execution of different operations and allows you to use several programs or applications at the same time. Therefore, the greater the capacity of RAM, the faster the computer to execute operations and to react with several open programs or applications.

It is important to note that not all the programs that you install on your computer will run properly if your computer does not have a good processor and a good RAM capacity. The more we open applications, the more memory we need. That’s why smartphones are starting to have more and more RAM.

What is ROM memory?

The ROM works as a read-only memory. Normally it stores the necessary programs to start or make a diagnosis on the computer. These are not deleted when the device is turned off, so nothing that is stored there cannot be easily modified.

Types of RAM

When we analyze the types of RAM, we focus on both its capacity and its speed.

Capacity: they can be 2, 4, 8, 16 GB and 32 GB.

Speed: it is an aspect that has changed over time.

We can find different options by the speed:

SRAM: means Static Random Access Memory. It is one of the most expensive in the market, but it is the fastest and lowest consumption. It is usually used to create the processor cache.

DRAM: means Dynamic Random Access Memory. It is a dynamic access memory. It was the first on the market, based on silicon semiconductors, which allowed the data to remain as long as it was powered electrically. The problem is that it cannot be synchronized with the processor, which causes communication failures between the two.

DDR RAM: is the most commonly used RAM memory. It allows synchronization with the processor and performs the transfer of information at the same time through two different channels, achieving greater speed and efficiency in operations.

DDR2 RAM: it is the second version of DDR, with improvements made in terms of speed and design. It allows data transfers to 4 bits. Another improvement is the energy consumption, since it only needs 1.8 V to be able to work. The installation slot changes, which is not compatible with the common DDR. The transfer speed ranges from 300 to 1200 MHz

DDR3 RAM: this version optimizes energy consumption, lowering the demand for operation to 1.5 V. The capacity per module is 16 GB, and incorporates improvements depending on the needs of the equipment.

DDR4 RAM: It is the one that most laptops and desktops carry, since they are the best performers. Its power consumption varies between 1.45 to 1.05 V. It starts operating in 3 and 4 channels, which allows for greater data flow and makes modules up to 32 GB possible. Transfer goes from 1600 to 4600 MHz.

GDDR: means Graphic Double Data Rate. They were designed specifically for graphics cards, ideal for those who work with design programs and videos. They also provide an excellent video game experience. They are designed to optimize access time to instructions. Their prices are somewhat higher than common DDRs but their performance deserves it. The most powerful is the GDDR6.

Why we require to increase computer’s RAM

When the computer becomes too slow, we need to improve that is performance improves. Keep in mind that the installation of programs, updating software, execution of data and the demand is greater than before.

One of the most economical improvements we can make is to increase RAM. It does not indicate a very high investment and usually helps our computer faster. You don’t have to be an expert. You just have to take into account some details:

Check how much RAM you use on average, something you can check on the computer task manager.

Determine the amount of memory you need: for example, if you only need to surf the internet, with 2 GB you will be doing well. For games, videos or design programs, 4 or 8 GB of memory are recommended, and we recommend 16 GB or more for complex multitasking processes for video and sound editing.

  • Check the available slots on the computer’s motherboard.
  • See the type of RAM the computer uses.
  • See the RAM model used by the system.

Learn to configure the operation of RAM.  You can increase your RAM and enjoy the benefits that this implies. Some of them are:

  • The execution speed will not be affected by having several programs open.
  • You can browse more efficiently online.
  • You will be able to access a larger number of games and applications, which usually need more memory.
  • The computer will boot quickly and efficiently.

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