According to the data offered by the Panda Security, 90% of cyber-attacks target small and medium-sized companies by their study State of Protection in SMEs. For this reason, the use of computer security types becomes relevant; small businesses turn out to be the most vulnerable organizations; due to cybersecurity failures and the protection of hackers.
According to the study as mentioned, can be deduced to small businesses; which operate through the Internet from anywhere in the world. Given this scenario, it is necessary that these business organizations, with less infrastructure with risks, need to know what types of computer security can keep their business safe.
What is computer security?
It is the set of measures and actions aimed to preventing and detecting risks; in addition to threats and vulnerabilities that can damage devices and computer systems.
To design a security plan for a company, consider the most common and potentially most dangerous risks. In this way, a timely and effective front can be made.
Types of computer security for companies
Small and medium enterprises are attacked mainly by viruses, malware and spam. In addition, they should be alert to the appearance of faults in hardware, software and devices.
1. Skilled personnel
A team dedicated to security will help design a preventive strategy against threats; and will determine action protocols in case of attack. If the company is very small, this service can be outsourced.
2. Antivirus and antimalware
Among the types of computer security should not be avoid options of antivirus software and antimalware. With them, it will be much easier to identify possible threats and prevent attacks against security.
However, it is important to use or install licensed programs to protecting all of the company’s computer equipment. Though, there are also free tools that can offer some protection measures.
3. Backups
Apart from the computer security measures that are used, there is a preventive action to keep the data safe. It involves the periodic realization of backups or backup copies. In this way, the computer team will always have a backup of all the critical resources for the business to continue smooth functioning.
4. Use of legal software
Given the fact that small and medium-sized companies are the most vulnerable target for cybercriminals, the use of legal software is the way to have technical support if necessary. In addition, the authentic programs will guarantee to updated on the subject regularly.
5. Training of employees
The training of workers should be a continuous action to avoid internal attacks. Many failures occur due to weaknesses of the system caused by erroneous personnel actions. By deleted files to unintentionally opening an email that allows the ways of malicious programs such as ransomware; where the hacker can hijack the entire system and request a ransom for the information.
The training of the workers should know how to prevent computer security threats for the companies. That will obtain a greater degree of security and more effective actions in case of computer problems.
It is clear that if the small and medium are the first objective of cybercrime; the managers of the companies must take all the necessary precautions and make use of the types of computer security to keep their business safe.