How To Disable Twitter Notifications On Android

How To Disable Twitter Notifications

If you use the social network Twitter frequently from your mobile device you will surely have noticed that the application generates notifications repeatedly for various reasons, which I much annoying for any users. That is why this time we will show you how to turn off Twitter notifications in Android

Twitter sends users a large number of notifications through its Android application, such as new tweets, mentions, retweets, favorites, direct messages, among other alerts within the social network, which is extremely annoying for that user who does not want to receive so many notifications.

Today we will explain step by step how to disable the notifications of your applications on Android. By default, all applications that you install on your device will send notifications to your mobile. However, Android has a menu from which you can change the settings of all these notifications.

Thanks to this menu that we are going to guide you today, you can deactivate the notifications of all the applications you want on your device, even if you have enough patience. The only thing you need is to know how to get to the right option.

Turn off Twitter notifications on Android

While all social networking applications send notifications to their users, the community triggered the most aggressive in Twitter, because you seek to encourage interaction with the social network through this type of alerts that finally want to end up bothering too much to user.

While Twitter alerts may be useful for users, most of them end up being irrelevant, because it is a social network where it is very common to retweet or put our messages in favorites, something that is generally not. It encourages the user to review this type of movement with such urgency that it permits a notification or alert within the mobile device.

Steps to turn off Twitter notifications on Android

  • You must open the Twitter application on your Android mobile device.
  • Then, click on the three points that appear in the upper right part of the screen.
  • You must select the “Settings” option.
  • The next thing will be to enter “Notifications and synchronization”.
  • Then, you must enter “Notifications”.
  • There you can unmark the notifications that you do not want to receive, among which you have: mentions and tags, retweets, favorites, new followers, direct messages and other alerts within Twitter.

In this way, the user will be able to manage the alerts that he will receive with the use of the Twitter application for Android mobile devices, and in this way receive the alerts that are most useful to him. Generally, users prefer to receive notifications of new mentions and direct messages. Since they are the most relevant alerts for the user to be interested in entering the social network.

The user of Twitter is one of the most outstanding of this type of social networks from their mobile devices. Since all the content that is normal to visualize, that of his followers and friends, is what he really wants to enjoy, unlike of Facebook. The content is much more varied and the user does not have the possibility to regulate it.

It is very useful to turn off Twitter notifications on Android, mainly because the average user of mobile devices usually uses a wide variety of applications, which generate notifications, which ends up generating the user to receive a large number of alerts and not manage to give importance to those notices that really matter to you inside your mobile device.

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